13 amazing facts that can blow your mind

13 amazing facts that can blow your mind, unknown facts, mind-blowing facts, amazing and random facts
13 amazing facts that can blow your mind

13 amazing facts that can blow your mind

1. There are more living things on and inside your body than there are people on Earth and not just twice or three times. So the numbers are simply mindblowing.

2. If you have a kid, be prepared for question bombardment. An average four year old as something over 400 times per day.

3. Scientists believe Leonardo DaVinci could write with one hand and draw pictures with the other at the same time.

4. There's a room in Microsoft's headquarters in Washington that holds a world record for being the quietest room in the world. Standing inside it, you can hear your heart beating.

5. In August 2010, Beijing witnessed the longest traffic jam ever. It lasted ten days and was 62 miles long.

6. John D Rockefeller still holds the record as the richest man in the world. His net worth, adjusted for inflation, is ten times more than that of Bill Gates

7. Starfish can not only regenerate their lost limbs, but even a limb can regenerate the whole starfish

8. scientists believe the Earth's ozone layer will fully restore itself within a half century.

9. If you've seen snow in your lifetime, consider yourself lucky. Because Two thirds of people on the planet can't say the same thing 

10. there's a $20 coin made in 1933 that was sold 70 years later for more than $7 billion. Also, it was never actually used as currency.

11. It rains diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn. This happens because methane turns into carbon, which then hardens to become graphite and eventually diamond,

12. The name of the man who invented cotton candy was William Morrison. He was a dentist.

13. Cows are highly social creatures, and they even have best buddies they spend most of their time together with. They become upset as they get separated,

So. This was the 13 amazing facts that can blow your mind

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