Crazy Facts About the World
Crazy Facts About the World, top 10 facts that you must know, facts, unknown facts,weird , facts.
Crazy Facts About the World
The world we live in is huge and mysterious, and nobody could possibly know everything about it. However, by learning more and more facts about the world, we can at least come a little bit closer to knowing everything. Facts allow us to compare data, find interesting parallels in the world and fully appreciate its diversity. Any facts in our mind give us the opportunity to notice things that other people may not. We're sure that very few people know about things like a diamond city in the south of Germany, for example. And that's just the tip of the iceberg!
1. The right ear hears better than the left one. This is because the brain's 2 halves don't work the same way. During childhood, we're more left-brain oriented. This side of the brain is responsible for speech and language. After that time, we just get used to it.
2. In China, white is the color of mourning.
3. Sheep can recognize people's faces, even in photos.
4. Nikolay Shustov, a Russian businessman of the 20th century decided to promote his new cognac. He hired young people who went to bars and asked for Shustov's cognac. When they didn't get it, they started a fight. As a result, bar owners had to buy the necessary cognac, and people learned that it existed.
5. Whales jump out of the water to communicate. They make a loud noise to attract other whales that are not further than 2.4 miles away.
Part 2 of Crazy Facts About the World
6. Like people, cats can be right-handed or left-handed.
7. Rich people in China hire look-alikes and send them to jail instead of themselves if they need to.
8. When trees are in deep sleep, their branches droop.
9. Indian housewives own 11% of the world's gold reserve. This means that they have more gold than Switzerland, the U.S., and Germany combined.
10. Japanese monkeys learned how to buy food from vending machines. They pick up coins in the street and use them.
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